Tuesday, January 3, 2012

4 months

This sweet little love is 4 months!
Where does time go?

Other ramblings:
We have made it through our first week. Feels like it's been a month.
Ryan says not to count on him for at least a minimum of 3 more weeks.
We are struggling to get into some sort of daily routine.
I am needing the routine. Even if it's naps, supper or bedtime at the same time every day.
We are floating through our days without Ryan here. His presence is really missed in so many ways! I can't even begin to compile a list. And you probably don't want to read them.
It's freezing here. Like -16 freezing.
I have the supplies to make some sort of car seat blanket for the 2 oldest ones. The kind that can't fall on the floor and get dripped on. Just need to pick a nap time to start them.
My battery on the van needs a jump but with how cold it is I'll skip it for now and drive Ryan's car.
Well I'm off to tuck the little ones into here bed.
We have been snuggling, while reading stories, in bed before lights out. Absolutely my favorite time of the day. Okay. I might have 2 favorite times.... Love my mornings with a baby who loves to coo, giggle, smile while snuggling in my bed.  


  1. Once again today raced away from me and I didn't manage to give you a call and see how you were doing. Been thinking about you and wishing we could just pop over and give you a minute of free time ... and a cup of coffee.

  2. Evelynn is a nice mixture of you and Ryan. What a cute butterball! MOM
