Thursday, May 17, 2012

Roller Coaster

 If this roller coaster of life isn't fast enough I booked a ticket to Kodiak to go visit Ryan. I'm flying out this afternoon. No, I haven't packed my bags yet and still have a mountain of laundry to fold. I gave myself 1 cup of coffee to drink while I blog. I am taking little sips. My sister Anika is in town for a few weeks visiting and helping out. She's been a huge help. It seriously helps to have another adult in the house. One doesn't go coo-coo as fast. But it's been busy since she got here. 

We did make it to the park while the sun was shinning. The kids had a blast! It was fun to run around and play with them also.
The kids really enjoyed feeding their french fries to the birds before we left. I think this is why we played on the play ground so long. I told Nolan that we would go by the water when we were ready to leave and if he chose to do so before, we'd leave. 
We did sneak and get some just girls time with pedicures and manicures. Then yesterday we went to Anchorage for a little shopping and errands. I finally bit the bullet and bought a new camera lens. Not a super high dollar one, but a bigger lens nonetheless. 
I am excited to be able to play with it and see how it preforms in Kodiak.
Well the coffee is long since gone and it's time to get busy....


  1. Love the pictures! You sure have some cute peeps to ride that roller coaster with! ;) Have fun in Kodiak. (Is that where all the bears are??)

    1. Ryan shot a bear on Kodiak island, but not in the town. From what I've read you have to travel by boat or plane to see bears on the island.

  2. love your blog amber! inspires me to do something crafty with my life!
