Monday, September 10, 2012

I Want To Remember

~I want to remember your excitement to get ready for school each morning.
~I want to remember how much you love school!

~ I want to remember you biking to the neighbors to catch the morning car pool to school.
~I want to remember your sweet smile.

~ I want to remember how independent you have become.
~ I want to remember all the stories you share with me at the end of the day.

~I want to remember you shouting over your shoulder that you love me as you bike down the road!~
~I want to remember how the cool morning air feels against my face.

~I want to remember that if Naomi is awake how she insists on walking you down the driveway too.

~I want to remember how much you have grown! 
~I want time to slow down so I can enjoy every little moment in your life!

1 comment:

  1. So fun for your first child to go off to school. Kinda a bittersweet moment. I still remember Kevins' first day of school.
